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When young, I thought I couldn't ever do anything wrong! Decisions made without thinking things through, So many mistakes made along the way, breaking rules with a smile on my face,  didn't care who'd I hurt along the way! So many tears with such pain, feeling so drained realizing this is not the way! Getting older wasn't so cool! The real world wasn't as easy; I feel like a fool! I wish I would've listened to this words once muttered by my loving mother, I now miss home, wishing I could walk through that door , with regret i apologize to my mother once more! 


Your eyes so sad your words so dry! Why did I even try? You keep walking on bye as if you never lied!! But deep down inside something died! So I let it go, as you kept your head so down low!

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Your words!

How you and those couple of words, make me smile, make me feel!