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About Me

A girl a naive girl always hoping and wishing. A girl who tripped and fell along the way, always hoping, praying for a brighter any day. A girl who's been through most of it, seen a lot, experienced a little bit of everything. A girl one day and a strong woman the next , who lives, finally breathes, finally loves , most of all puts her heart, her own self above it all !!

My heart

The feeling of knowing you belong, belonging to the one , the feeling of belonging to your heart to your everything, your every thought and the feeling of the beginning and the feeling of never ending!


Somewhere, some way, some how,I will , I won't, I will never give up, and never will. You broke me once but never twice , same old story, same old lies. Remember once you said I belonged, you act as if you did no harm, or if you've never done me wrong. Always over looked, also takin for granted, you never cared, when love, i thought we shared,when I thought we were the most perfect pair, I had to leave, i left behind, I took a little we both shared when you at one time cared, I took a step forward, didn't look back, with the fear of many more tears. Along the way I tripped and fell, but kept running fast as hell, it was so hard, I tried to get up but never will or will I give up, so easy to love you , so hard to leave you, the constant cry , with you in mind, without you by my side, it had to stop in given time, when it does with you in mind, I'll try to be so kind , and i will put all this behind, living in peace, one day at a time..             


You only you, I can picture us forever . You only with you, I know your love is mine forever. You only you we will walk hand and Hand forever together.


The unwanted feeling of being unwanted, it's so weird how in life you unexpect the unexpected! And you keep going with the feeling of not going. Not wanting to look back but always tempted to look back. The temptation of always being tempted, , through life we conquer, through life we fail and as we go through life's trail we will always have something to tell

Almost that time

You see my smile, you hear me laugh, can you hear my heart, it's broken , its shattered in to pieces, I will not break, and you will never know! When I'm gone you will ask why? I will say because you didn't even try! It's almost that time for me to go with someone who always knew as to why I cried! Someone who will never make me cry, who carefully collected all my shattered pieces and brought them back to life, so now I leave without even saying a good bye!

Special kind of love

A second chance for love a love I didn't know existed , the long deep breaths with the thought of you, the impatience of wanting to see you, your words that come from your heart, the gentleness of you. I have so much to say so much I feel but the loss of words , so many emotions that want to come out all at once not being able to word, say or let you know how I feel but I will always show you how I feel. I want to feel loved I want to know what true love is, I want a simple life no riches no money or material things! With you I get all and feel all! I give you my love my trust my everything and most importantly my all!!

Just for you

Your words, your kind beautiful honest words, your carefully chosen words I receive day in and day out! Do you really exist , did I finally meet the one I've been searching for? I do know something my whole body feels it, my heart is pumping so fast my hands sweating like never before i continuously have you in mind awaiting the next ding awaiting your next carefully chosen words that bring these emotions the thought of belonging to you your touch your kiss the love that awaits ,I've never felt this before, I've never knew that I'd know! It doesn't matter the situation ,work or what I'm doing, the town that I live in I'd leave it all just for you.

Your words

I have a feeling, something I've never felt before, it was all of a sudden, it was a great surprise; my body, mind and soul forgot the feeling of such kind words, words of hope, words that were meant just for me, you I didn't know, didn't even know your name, we met by an honest mistake which became fate also the best mistake! My heart finally beats I smile all day with you in mind, theres this feeling way down deep inside, that I just can't even try to explain!!

Our Language

We  Have Our Own Special Language
A Language That No One Understands
But You And I

You Don't Have To Say A Word
I Don't Have To Say A Word
But We Always Know What It Is
We're Saying, Thinking Or

Our Look, Our Love
You And I
Me And You

The Special Language That
Only You and I Share

More to you:)

  • The fresh air blowing through my hair
  • The sweet conversation
  • The nice long evening drive
  • I enjoyed the most
  • The respect
  • The sweet innocent hug
  • the kiss on the forehead, that i wanted to be given a little lower passed my nose
  • The smile, Your smile, My smile
  • The endless smile I gave freely and received
  • The long talk
  • The what "ifs"
  • The thought of many maybes one day
  • So comfortable I felt next you
  • Your voice
  • That sweet soothing voice
  • Your words
  • So well put
  • Intended just for me
  • Time did not give us time
  • It didn't stop for us
  • I had to go
  • A little sad
  • That will give me more, I'd feel more
  • And would give you so much more to read

Little bit of everything

  • You are a little bit of my everything, you are what I breathe
  • You are a little bit of what I most love
  • You are my little bit of everything I continuously think of
  • You are the little bit of everything I need in my life
  • You are a little bit of everything I let in my heart, my world
  • You my little bit of everything I live for and I give you my forever

The Feeling

  The feeling of growning old with you, knowing you will be the first thing in the morning I see, also the last thing I see in at night.
  The feeling of growing old with you is a good feeling of getting to know you as the years, day, hours go along through the day, everyday.                                                                                                                  
  Doesn't matter the years it takes the memories we make, the family we will soon have and most importantly the foundation we will build, that's as strong as our bond our love our future.

Not True

  • Our Love Pure, Your Love not pure
  • Your lies so sweet
Our lies, no lies, we know not to say
Your promises hurt
Our promises we keep
We keep always
We remember always
We forgive always, you, your always reminding
You never forgive
You always say to forget
 But this time I can't, I could've, I should've
The hurt, all the tears
Many days
To many years
You said many lies
I had to say my Goodbye's

The Best Love

  • The best love ever
  • You looked at me from accross
  • Crossed paths
  • And sat accross
  • We soon realized it was love
  • You sat accross
  • I sat accross
  • Finally that old fashioned love:
  • The best love ever, that forever one of a kind love!


Never to young, never to old, love is always in the air, there's someone out there, everywhere for every single one of us! Never give up, never fear, our true love is near!

Last dance

The last dance,  so hard, the love of my life, you grabbed me and looked at me like it was the first time. Just thinking there was no end, I knew, I felt the sadness! The last twirl, the song, our song, our dance we danced before we went to bed: no more! The last kiss, the last I love you realizing your arms, your hugs not mine and I wasn't yours anymore. The last glance as I walked out the door, your sadness, my sadness. The song, the dance, our dance; Over!!!

If you could be me..

If you could be me, feel what I feel, see what I see, treat you the way you treat me you would see life through me and so differently. I mean no wrong, no harm; all I want is a chance to be listened to, to be taken seriously! Not to be laughed at or belittled.  Now that I left, you will then know just how I felt, you'd feel the loss, the loneliness,  the emptyness! I just needed compassion and a little understanding.

Your look

The first look, that stare, the feeling, the hello's, the conversation,  the way your mouth moves so perfectly when you speak.  The color of your eyes so deep so clear, so perfect.  The way your hair parted, your smile so perfect,  your breath on my skin; you listening to my every word so tentatively.  The warmth , your warmth, next to mine, the sweet whispers,  the feeling of being comfortable,  the feeling of so many maybe's!

A waste of time

Thanks for the waste of time I spent with you, thanks for the lies that were so beautiful but not truthful. Thanks a bunch for making me realize you were a waste of time. Making me believe that there was something there, my handsome  waste of time;  You're not any different,  you are just like all the other's and you know where you can go!


Where did they all go, I can't seem to find any, all lies, most are all the same! One disappointment after another! There promises you hope they keep are always broken ! We always fight with are all for just a little in return,  there lies, there empty promises! !! A disappointment! !

Last night

The little memory's, We created in just a night that I never wanted to end, the flame we built together for just a night,  the passion,  the delicious kisses, the conversation , the smiles I smile throughout the day remembering those words,  so well put.  The love you gave,  the love I gave ,  I will remember and that is left imbedded in my heart, body and the every once in awhile smile I'll smile when I'm thinking of you .


You make me feel free, you make me feel like me! You were so easy to fall in love with, you made me see the good in love , for the first time I feel loved!! You

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Your words!

How you and those couple of words, make me smile, make me feel!